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Editing Photos
Once you have logged in select the product you want to create. We will use 4x6 Prints as an example. From the “Products” menu located in the top right of the navigation bar click “Prints”. Once on the Prints page select “Prints & Enlargements”. Once on the Prints & Enlargements product page select 4x6 Prints. Once you are ready click “Start”. Next you will be asked to select photos, you can upload from your computer, tablet or mobile device. Import from Facebook, Instagram, Dropbox, or use previously uploaded photos from “Projects”. After you have selected your photos for your new project click any photo thumbnail, and then the “edit icon” to enter the edit mode. In edit mode you can adjust crop, contrast, brightness, add a filter, rotate or add an enlargement. When you are satisfied with your edits or adjustments you can save your project and add to cart.